Trust Your Vibes, They Never Lie!

We all have this innate ability to listen to that inner voice telling us not to go through with something or, that the person asking us for help might have ulterior motives or that our childhood dream could actually become a fulfilling career choice in our adult life. We can essentially decode this ‘gut-feeling’ which is often beyond description we get in certain situations, because that pang in our stomach or strong urge to help the person next to you can reveal more than you think. To that end, here are few gut feelings that must pay attention to:

Listening to your gut actually means that your intuition is guiding you in making a decision.

I do not feel well

When it comes to our health, there is no symptom too small to get cheked-out. If you feel like there is something going on in your body that is not right, you should listen to that feeling and get it checked out before it gets any worse. Your body is built to instinctively know when something is going out of balance and the warning signs could mean the difference between life and death in some situations. Your intuition speaks to you in many ways, so never ignore any ‘off’ feelings you get, no matter how subtle.

This place seems dangerous

Walking home alone, feeling like you are being watched, being in the are which a potentially drunk driver or a stranger – all of these things an trigger your gut instinct that you might be in danger and it is a natural feeling. Humans are equipped with a ‘fight-or-flight’ type mentally when in danger. Never be afraid to choose flight when you feel like you are in the same kind of danger. While our gut instincts can have flaws, you should listen to them regardless – they might just save your life. Seek out the help of others too. Remember that most people in the world are not bad and just want to help.

I really need to help that person

We have the powerful ability to read other people’s energy by evaluating their facial expressions, body language or just how we feel around that person. There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking a moment to help someone in need, even if they are a stranger. If it is cold out and you see a poor man or woman without a jacket, you have plenty at home, right? Moreover, if you feel like you should help someone, do it. Offer help even if the person in question does not ask for it – non-verbal cues can offer much more insight than words in these types of situations.

This just feels right

Whether it applies to changing careers, picking your friend or deciding where to live, your intuition actually plays a bigger role than rational thinking in these decisions. When you make these life-altering choices, it mostly boils down to how you feel about them. Think about it: We all just want to feel good, so we add and subtract things from our life to align with that feeling. If your career earns you $70000 a year but makes you miserable, would you seek with it rather than take your dream job that pays $36000? Your gut would probably tell you to do what makes you happy and take the lower paying job rather than keep one that makes you feel dead inside.